SIU's Director of Player Personnel and Recruiting, Gaizka Crowley joins the show to break down what it takes to succeed in the recruiting world.
We focus on best practices in the recruiting and evaluation process, influences on Gaizka and his journey in football, and the differences between FBS & FCS recruiting. Some quick hitters that I loved from the show are what it takes to excel as a recruiter AND evaluator.
According to Gaizka, good recruiters must:
1). Be Thorough
2). Be a Good Communicator
3). Be Yourself
4). Do Extra
And to be a good evaluator, you must:
1). "Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Paper"
2). Come with Evidence
We really touched on all aspects of recruiting in this one and it was a blast recording this week's show! Comment with what you learned from this week's episode and check the guide below for the timeline:
Ep. 8 - Gaizka Crowley - FBS vs FCS Recruiting and Knowing the Recruiting Landscape
Adapting with the times and COVID Impact (4:00)
Qualities of successful recruiters and evaluators (9:50)
The value of case studies in recruiting (17:40)
Key influences for Gaizka and his process (19:42)
Aligning with the vision of your head coach (26:06)
Gaizka's Journey in Football (30:05)
Topic of the Week: FBS vs FCS Recruiting (48:48)
Finding out if a recruit "loves the game" (52:18
Scholarship Allotment and the value of Special Teams (53:34)
What recruits need to know about financial aid (57:00)
"You can only pick one school" (1:00:19)
One piece of advice for recruits, parents and coaches (1:02:04)
Thanks for listening and you can follow Gaizka on Twitter at @Gaizka_SIU!
Also, be sure to subscribe, rate and share the show!
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Send in your questions for the next episode by commenting below or via email at and check back Monday morning for the announcement of our next guest on the show!
Have a blessed Memorial Day Weekend! -AB